art Luke Watson art Luke Watson


Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio appreciation post! The work of Caravaggio is so amazing for me and I especially love the faces in his painting - full of character, expression and sincerity. I also love how his famous works are set in a dark scene with the subject rising from the dark hue with strong colours. Caravaggio’s use of red, or black is striking, as striking as the subject matter in his work. A true master!

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Saigon Fine Art
Vietnam, Travel Luke Watson Vietnam, Travel Luke Watson

Saigon Fine Art

I have visited the Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts Museum a number of time and, for a a South East Asian Art Gallery, it is a very good experience and I recommend it. The best way to approach this museum is to walk there from your hotel, or guesthouse so that the museum has context… you are not visiting a Louvre, the MET, nor the Uffizi Gallery… you are in Vietnam and with this mindset you can appreciate what this art gallery offers. With an appreciation for Vietnam’s history, culture and people the museum come alive and reveals itself as a wonderful porthole into Vietnamese creativity, culture and their amazing ability to overcome adversity, remain true to themselves and have an strong connection to the art movements in recent history. This museum is rustic and to make it work you need to be proactive, observant and open-minded. Nothing will be handed on a platter here… you wont get any AC, nor colour well design guide nor map and no hand-held spoken guide… you need to be active. If you love art, love learning and discovering, love culture and are open-minded… you trip to the Hồ Chí Minh City Museum of Fine Arts will be very rewarding. My rating: ★★★★

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Eugenio Recuenco 365°
Travel Luke Watson Travel Luke Watson

Eugenio Recuenco 365°

I visited an excellent art installation created by Spanish fashion photographer Eugenio Recuenco at Uni Elite in Shanghai, China in December, 2019 and was suitably impressed. Eugenio Recuenco designed a fascinating series of scenes and images that incorporated current affairs, history, art and culture . Each image was set in an identical scene/frame with mesmerising results. I found the images so fascinating that I revisited each picture a number of times to study and enjoy. Same with the video, I watched this a few times as it added so much more depth and meaning to the images in the gallery. Great exhibit - well worth visiting!

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